Aqui estão 7 testes para ajudá-lo a saber de forma rápida e fácil se é hora de fazer um exame oftalmológico mais detalhado com um profissional de cuidados com a visão.

Esses testes não têm valor diagnóstico. Em caso de dificuldades, apenas um oftalmologista pode realizar um exame oftalmológico completo para detectar eventuais problemas visuais. Nenhuma informação de saúde pessoal é coletada ou retida como resultado da realização desses testes.

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Aviso de isenção não verificado

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Este teste de acuidade visual on-line não é uma avaliação médica e não substitui uma visita a um oftalmologista. Não foi concebido para ser utilizado como diagnóstico de doenças ou outras condições, para tratamento ou para a mitigação ou prevenção de doenças. Este teste visa simplesmente dar uma ideia geral sobre sua capacidade visual. Recomendamos que você faça o acompanhamento deste teste com uma avaliação completa da visão por um especialista em cuidados com a visão. Apenas profissionais de saúde ocular podem tomar decisões sobre tratamento médico, diagnóstico ou prescrição médica.

    • Algumas diretrizes para o teste

      1 Coloque-se a 1 metro da tela.

      1 m

      2 Se tiver óculos para visão à distância ou óculos com lentes progressivas, mantenha-os ligados.

      3 Sem pressionar a pálpebra, cubra o olho esquerdo / direito com a mão.

      4 Indique de que forma o lado aberto do está voltado para o seu teclado ou mouse.

    • Lembrete

      1 m

      Distância: 1 metro

      seus óculos

      seu olho esquerdo

      a direção

    • Obrigado !

      Agora cubra o outro olho.

    • Lembrete

      1 m

      Distância: 1 metro

      seus óculos

      seu olho direito

      a direção

    • seu resultado final

      Votre acuité visuelle semble para optimale pour vos 2 yeux.

      No entanto, para verificar a saúde dos seus olhos, não hesite em marcar uma consulta com um oftalmologista. .

    • Algumas diretrizes para o teste

      1 Coloque-se a 1 metro da tela.

      1 m

      2 Se tiver óculos para visão à distância ou óculos com lentes progressivas, mantenha-os ligados.

      3 Without pressing on the eyelid, cover your left/right eye with your hand.

      4 Indicate if you see lines that are darker.

    • Do you see a line (1-2-3-4-5-6-7) that is darker or sharper?


      1 m

      Distance : 1 meter

      your glasses on

      your left eye

      Answer the question

    • Thanks !

      Now cover the other eye.

    • Do you see 1 or several lines that are darker or clearer ?


      1 m

      Distance : 1 meter

      your glasses on

      your right eye

      Answer the question

    • your final result

      Votre astigmatisme semble être optimale pour vos 2 yeux.

      However, to verify the health of your eyes, don’t hesitate to fix an appointment with an eye care professional. .

    • Some guidelines for the test

      1 Place yourself 1 meter from the screen.

      1 m

      2 If you have glasses for distance vision or glasses with progressive lenses, keep them on.

      3 Without pressing on the eyelid, cover your left/right eye with your hand.

      4 Indicate which way the open side of the is facing with your keyboard or mouse.

    • Reminder

      1 m

      Distance : 1 meter

      your glasses on

      your left eye

      the direction

    • Thanks !

      Now cover the other eye.

    • Reminder

      1 m

      Distance : 1 meter

      your glasses on

      your right eye

      the direction

    • your final result

      Your sensitivity to contrasts in both eyes seems good.

      However, to verify the health of your eyes, don’t hesitate to fix an appointment with an eye care professional. .

    • Some guidelines for the test

      1 Place yourself 40 centimeters from the screen.

      40 cm

      2 If you have glasses for near vision or glasses with progressive lenses, keep them on.
      If you wear progressive lenses, lift your head in order to look through the lower part of your lenses.

    • Can you read all the lines of text, including the smallest one?

      Being able to see well at any distance, without the need to constantly

      fiddle his glasses, is increasingly necessary when one’s eyes are tired.

      With progressives lenses all presbyopes can still have most

      of the visual acuity that they always had.,



      40 cm

      Distance : 40 cm

      your glasses on

      Answer the question

    • your final result

      Votre vision de près semble être optimale pour vos 2 yeux.

      However, to verify the health of your eyes, don’t hesitate to fix an appointment with an eye care professional. .

    • Some guidelines for the test

      1 Place yourself 40 centimeters from the screen.

      40 cm

      2 If you have glasses for near vision or glasses with progressive lenses, keep them on.
      If you wear progressive lenses, lift your head in order to look through the lower part of your lenses.

    • Do you see darker circles on :


      40 cm

      Distance : 40 cm

      your glasses on

      Answer the question

    • your final result

      Votre vision de près semble être optimale pour vos 2 yeux.

      However, to verify the health of your eyes, don’t hesitate to fix an appointment with an eye care professional. .

    • Some guidelines for the test

      1 Place yourself 40 centimeters from the screen.

      40 cm

      2 If you have glasses for near vision or glasses with progressive lenses, keep them on.
      If you wear progressive lenses, lift your head in order to look through the lower part of your lenses.

    • 1/3

      Can you read the numbers in…

      • Figure 1 :
      • Figure 2 :


      40 cm

      Distance : 40 cm

      your glasses on

      Answer the question

    • 2/3

      Can you read the numbers in…

      • Figure 3 :
      • Figure 4 :


      40 cm

      Distance : 40 cm

      your glasses on

      Answer the question

    • 3/3

      Can you read the numbers in…

      • Figure 5 :
      • Figure 6 :


      40 cm

      Distance : 40 cm

      your glasses on

      Answer the question

    • your final result

      Votre vision de près semble être optimale pour vos 2 yeux.

      However, to verify the health of your eyes, don’t hesitate to fix an appointment with an eye care professional. .

    • Some guidelines for the test

      1 Place yourself 40 centimeters from the screen.

      40 cm

      2 If you have glasses for distance vision or glasses with progressive lenses, keep them on.

      3 Without pressing on the eyelid, cover your left/right eye with your hand.

    • Concentrate on the central point in the grid without moving your gaze. Do you see any strong distortions in certain lines?


      40 cm

      Distance : 40 cm

      your glasses on

      your left eye

      Answer the question

    • Thanks !

      Now cover the other eye.

    • Concentrate on the central point in the grid without moving your gaze. Do you see any strong distortions in certain lines?


      40 cm

      Distance : 40 cm

      your glasses on

      your right eye

      Answer the question

    • your final result

      Votre vision de près semble être optimale pour vos 2 yeux.

      However, to verify the health of your eyes, don’t hesitate to fix an appointment with an eye care professional. .